2011年7月31日 星期日

30天打造OS! 作業系統 自作入門 (30日でできる! OS自作入門) 第一天

第42行左右發生invalid operand type錯誤

42: RESB 0x1fe-$

總算找到可以代替$(dollar sign)的方法

1. 在程式碼起始點加入一個label aa
2. 在第42行加入一個label bb
3. 將第42行改寫成

42: bb RESB 0x1fe - (bb-aa)

4. 用nasm編譯即可產生.img檔案

rt3070 wifi chipset integration on x86 Android

Porting rt3070 following http://blog.linuxconsulting.ro/2010/04/porting-wifi-drivers-to-android.html
Status and ideas is sorted out below:
  • rt2870sta is loaded for rt3070 chipset when kernel starts.
  • rt2870sta is loaded again when android wifi HAL starts.
  • Disable rt2870sta in kernel configuration and make android wifi HAL load rt2800usb, rt2800usb works fine for rt3070 chipset.
  • Perhaps rt2870sta works fine if it is just loaded once, how to make rt2870sta loaded just once?
  • There is password remembering issue on rt2800usb.Wifi can now automatically reconnect to AP, providing wpa_supplicant.conf is writable.
  • to be listed...